Monday, September 24, 2007

concerning my blogs

When I try to indent for my paragraphs in these blogs, it always leaves the indentation out of the published thing..Please consider this when reading. it's really pissing me off that it's doing this, and I dont know if it's doing the same to any of y'all, but if you know a way to fix it to where it will stay, let me know...thanks


Belle said...

It does that to me too. i dont know how to fix it but it really bothers me.

Charlie Donnelly said...

I was quite scared Wendy would think I was a literary moron for not indenting... good to know that it doesn't work for anybody else.

Ashley said...

thanks, guys..i talked to her about it yesterday and she said to just double space in between the paragraphs. i'm glad im not the only on it does this to. it was making me kinda pissed off