Tuesday, January 22, 2008

my manifesto

Being as a manifesto, by definition, is a public declaration of principles and intentions, I believe the best way to begin this manifesto for myself would be to state my beliefs and my intentions for this course and for life in general. The Declaration Of Independence set up by our forefathers over two centuries ago is, after all, a manifesto for the new country that they were forming and states their (generally) shared beliefs on matters as to how the new country should be run and clarifies their intentions for the goals set for the country’s rights. Some of these beliefs outlined in the Declaration of Independence are either the same or very similar to my own. The main one of which would be that “all men are created equal.” Well, back when that was written, not everyone was treated equal. The only ones treated equal were white men with enough property to meet their standards. I don’t quite feel that way. I believe that no matter sex, color, age, or wealth, everyone should be treated fairly. People should be judged by their character, not the color of their skin, or what shape their body is in. Women, contrary to how most have felt throughout the years, can do almost anything a man can do. Quite often, we can do things better than men. For instance, we are usually the one who are more thorough in what we do, therefore we usually get things done properly on the first attempt. Also, no man can ever master the art of putting a little girl’s hair up whichever way she likes it, and getting it right the first time. Don’t get me wrong. Guys are great, but I am a firm believer in the statement that a woman does not need a man to survive. My great grandmother raised eight kids by herself, while her husband was sick in the hospital with tuberculosis. And each of her children turned out just fine. Only a really strong woman could raise that many children by themselves. This example brings me to my point. Those who are stronger emotionally, and mentally should be the ones running the country, not those that are elected because of the ivy-leagued school that they went to for a year or two, solely because it was tradition. The “fairness” scale is one that is still unevenly weighted, with the benefits being given to the side that has the white male or the stereotypical person of power. This is not what I think of when I hear “ all men are created equal.” I think of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s beautiful “I have a Dream” speech, in which people are “not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Using Dr. King’s beliefs as an example brings me to my next belief. I do not agree with wars of any form. I do not condone killing of any innocent human, or for any reason other than as a last resort of self defense.

Those are my main two beliefs. The others are a little less important. However, the goals that I have set for myself in life are important. For this course, I would like to end this semester being able to type an in-depth paper on anything in less than a day, and it not endanger my health at staying up all hours of the night. I would also like to be able to read a story, narrative, or anything, and understand most, if not all of it’s deeper meanings. As for life in general, my intentions are a bit more extreme. I am planning to become an interior designer, and either own my own business, or be in a partnership with another designer or on a design team. I plan to specialize in designing children’s and teenager’s rooms, since I love kids. That brings me to another goal. I will not be truly happy in life until I have children. I’m not talking about one or two. I’m wanting more around four or five. There is nothing in this corrupt world more innocent or joyous than a young child’s laughter. Very young children don’t know why something is funny besides the fact that it just fascinates them. They do not know what the harsh world has in store for them, they just know what is happening at that exact moment. Life should be to where we do not always concentrate on what’s wrong with the world. We should enjoy every moment that we can, and not let life pass us by, because when it’s through, there’s no going back. The phrase “you’re only young once” will only become more and more apparent as we age. My ultimate intention, goal, whichever you wish to call it, is to just “grab life by the horns” and hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

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