Tuesday, October 23, 2007

short stories- abuse

well, hidy-ho there neighbors and neighborettes! heh, i'm watching Home Improvement, if you couldn't tell by my Wilson-like comment.

I have been thinking about the short stories we were reading in class yesterday (Tuesday)...
Shari's story really touched me. I've been in a couple of abusive relationships, myself. they weren't physical like the one she described, but one was emotionally/ mentally abusive, and the other was emotionally and sexually abusive. abusive relationships are tough to deal with. at least with physical, others can see if you're being hurt, unless the abuser is smart enough to hit only where it can be hidden by clothing. there was a girl from Cordova who went to MTSU, and was beaten by a "friend" so severely, that she had to be put in intensive care. i havent heard how she is doing, otherwise.
There is no reason for any of this to happen. I'm not entirely sure at what to say about the story, honestly. but i do know that it's a very real story. it may not have happened to her, but there are many people who go thru this kind of thing. males and females can both be abused. many times, there are cases where males are being abused by females, but do not want to report it because they think that no one will believe that a female could hurt a male. but it happens.
if this is happening to anyone, or has recently, i urge you to report it if you havent. make sure that it cant happen to anyone else.

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