Tuesday, October 2, 2007

walking/ places essay

Walking Essay

You said we could be anywhere to write this essay, so I chose to stay in the classroom. This decision was made mostly due to my just being rather lazy. We were told to write about who we are in the setting that we chose, how it affects us, and where we are going literally and in life. Well, first things first: in the classroom setting, as I am sitting in the part that is facing your desk and the chalkboard and since you are the one at said desk, I guess that makes me the student. I apologize if this last sentence makes me seem sarcastic, I am just writing what exactly is coming to my mind. I have been told that the best way to write a paper or essay is not quite to actually think about what you are writing, rather than to write what you feel and what naturally flows from your finger tips or mouth. I feel that each person learns from others, so I guess in any setting, I could be a student and a teacher at the same time, even though in a classroom setting, I would be considered the student.

But, you wanted to know what we consider ourselves in this environment. I am many things, among which are : a young woman, a student, a teacher, a sister, a friend, a fiancĂ©, a pet owner, a daughter, a granddaughter, a role model, a babysitter, an artist, a cousin, a co-worker, a shopper, a person who is no longer a child, yet not quite full grown. I am all of these things, and more. Most notably, however, I am ME. That is the one thing that will never change, no matter the situation. I have plans for my life, but like the phrase says “nothing is certain, but death and taxes.” I may try to prevent certain things from happening, or try to make certain other things happen, but I believe that things happen for a reason. I plan to become an Interior Designer, but that may change. I want children one day, but I don’t entirely know right now if I will have any or not. The only thing that I can guarantee that I will be is the best me that I can be. I wont try to change for someone else. That’s not fair to me or the other person. Other than all this, I honestly have no idea exactly where I’m going in life. I guess I’ll just wait to find out.

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