I hate winter. I get too fucking easily depressed in the winter. Otherwise, i'd love it. i love the holidays and such, and snow whenever we might actually get it. I just cant stand getting depressed so easily. I refuse to take depression meds, cuz a) i used to take them, and the often made it worse and b) there is no reason to only take them about 3 months out of the year. i was having a rather fine day, i was hyper and everything. i called my fiance to make sure he was still coming over to help me move furniture, and he said something, completely playing around, that hurt my feelings. i told him that what he said bothered me, and told him not to say it again, he said he was really sorry, didnt know it would bother me, and that it wont happen again. normally, that wouldnt bring me down so much.. i thought that i was over it, and went on my way, well, when he got to the dorm, we were talking and such and he was wanting to, you know, mess around. earlier that day, i would have gone with it in less than a second, but for some reason, i just didnt want to anymore. i told him that i didnt want to at the moment, and maybe after we moved the furniture that i'd feel better. well, we rearranged my room, and yet i still was down and shit. i was kinda pissed, mostly just cuz i was in a bad mood then, but i had no reason to be. he asked if i was ok, cuz i wasnt "being ashley." i dont know what happened. i didnt want to do anything, but just lay on my bed and listen to music. he was hugging me and still trying to get me to do something, but i (this is really strange for me) just flat out told him that i really didnt want to and maybe this weekend.........I really hate how the winter makes it easier for me to get depressed. i went thru this shit for two and a half years straight, i dont want to put up with it again. i know that i kinda disappointed him, and i hate that feeling. i told him that i get depressed easy in the winter, and that the smallest thing will set it off. he told me that he understood and that it's ok.....its not ok. getting depressed like this makes me feel like shit. i used to cut, and i was actually really addicted to it. i stopped completely over a year ago, and for a year before that it was only when i was REALLY upset (like a bad break up or something). When i get depressed like this, it makes my arms ad wrists tingle, just making me have the urge to just at least scratch it really hard just to feel some of that old familiar sting. I wont let myself do it again. i refuse. none of my friends REALLY understand this kind of shit, except for my (for the most part) best friend, but she's done a bunch of crazy shit lately, so i dont trust her any more. (read the earlier bulletins for more info on that). my mom would over react about all this if she found out about it, and i dont want my other family members to worry or anything. like i said, no one else really gets it, so i just have to either keep it bottled up (which can actually be deadly, by the amount of stress it puts on the body), or tell my fiance, who is the only other one who would understand, but i dont want him to feel like it's his fault or anything. i explained what was going on to him earlier ,and he seemed to understand. it's just that everytime i get upset about something, or wind up crying about something, he's usually the one i go to first, so i'm sure he's tired of hearing me cry. |
im sorry for that rant, but i actually feel a lot better now, just getting all of that out. thanks for listening/reading.......
Hey girl,
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I get in that random bad mood all the time. Sometimes I will just wake up and hate everyone and everything! I really have no reason to feel that way. The thing that usually starts that bad day out is tripping on something early in the morning when I'm getting out of bed. Oh that just drives me crazy!! Once that happens I am just mad for the rest of the day for no reason. I also wanted to tell you I'm glad that you stopped cutting yourself and that you don't have to take depression pills. I'm glad you overcame all of that! I'm sure that was really hard, but I'm glad you stopped.
Hey Ashley, if you ever need to talk about anything you can totally talk to me. I had a problem with cutting from about the seventh grade until about junior year or so. I can definitely identify with the tingly feelings and stuff. It's hard not to think about that stuff when you get upset when it used to be such a big part of your life, you know? It'll be okay!
thanks guys, i knew i wasnt the only one that's had problems. thanks for talking with me
Ok, i just read an article about the winter blues, and you are not alone! lots of people go through that phase, myself included, in the winter when nothing seems right,and the littlest thing just pisses you off!!! I know also how you feel about going to your fiance about your problems first. my boyfriend of 17 months to the day, was actually my best friend for a long time before we ever started dating, and he is the only person that seems to understand me and whatever it is i am going through. he is my rock, and I am sure you have the same sort of feelings with your man as well. so are ya'll planning a wedding soon or is this a long engagement? just wondering because my bf just got married in october, it was amazing! ohhh and I heard that taking anti-deppresants in the winter only can actually help a lot more than you think!!! : )
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