Friday, February 29, 2008


my dog max is siting here whimpering for a bite of my spaghetti. he's half shihzhu and half poodle, so he cant have just anything, it'll make him sick. he's black with a white tummy and a bit of white on the front of his paws, and a white spot on the back of his neck. he's only about 12 pounds, and is the size of a shihzhu, so that should give you all an idea of how little he is. he looks, color wise, a bit like a penguin. i love him. he's my little buddy. he's 4 years old tomorrow, and if i could, i would throw him a birthday party. lol. i know that's odd, but he's like another kid in my family. he just doesnt get in as much trouble as the rest of us do. he even can kinda "back-talk" my mom. sometimes, if she's nagging about something about one of us, or something he did, he'll do a soft growl, not like he'll bite her or anything, but enough to let her know that he's not happy with her. he's got two best friends, who live two houses down. their names are Sugar and Brownie. Sugar is black and white and is half shihzhu and half maltese and weighs about 8 pounds. her little brother brownie is actually bigger than her, weighing in at 12 pounds, and is brown and white. he's 1/4 shihzhu and 3/4 maltese. they are both really sweet dogs and love to play with max. it's fun walking them with their owner, Mike, who's in his early 50s. he's really nice, and jokes around a lot with me and my little brother. they're just fun to be around.


I really dont know what to write about right now. i have a few minutes before i have to go get ready for work, and im not too sure that i'll have enough time to write much after i get home from work. i know that it's best to write these things as the week goes on, but i either forget or really just dont have anything that i want to talk about. or at least not enough for the required length. I dont want to go to work, i'd rather go hang out with my fiance and some of our friends tonight at the mall, but i know that i cant even get off work early, since itll be just two of us closing tonight , since my main manager wont give me and the closing manager anymore people to close. oh, well. i like the closing manager, she's my best friend's sister-in-law. she's really cool, and really nice. it's just flat out more fun to work with her. but anyways, i guess that kinda gives me a bit of my 200 words, i need to go get ready for work, so i dont think that i can type any more before work. peace.

thing for prompt for 2/25

Her 18th birthday party was a success so far. All of her friends had showed up, and they were all having fun and mingling. The decorations were amazingly bright and colorful. As she was talking to her friend from her history class, she looked up at the door to the large room, and saw her ex boyfriend walk in. He had broken up with her just the month before, and they had agreed to remain friends. She had cried every night into her pillow since that heartbreaking day.

As he walked in, his eyes met with hers. As she met his gaze, he gave her a soft look that showed her that he still cared about her, at least a little bit. She fought hard not to cry. It would look bad in front of everyone else, because as far as all of her friends knew, she was completely over him. She quickly talked her way out of the conversation, and walked mostly unnoticed out of the room.

As she reached her bedroom, she began to sob uncontrollably. She shut the door quietly to make sure no one noticed that she had left upset. As she began crying into the pillow, she heard her door open gently, and felt someone lift her into their arms. It was her ex.

"Why are you here??" she said through her sobs, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You invited me, and I still care about you," he softly answered, wiping her tears from her face with his sleeve.

"But you obviously don't care enough since you shattered my heart," her sobs starting to calm just a little bit, due to having breathing trouble from crying so hard.

"That was my mistake. I shouldn't have made our break-up so harsh. I-I just needed time to myself. I still care about you, and part of me will always love you. it's just..right now, i cant." He tried calming her, which wasnt working too well.

She held her pillow tight as her tears kept falling, her eyes like that of a child after having their feelings hurt. He sat down on her bed with her, and pulled her into a tight hug. She eased her crying enough to where she could breathe normally again, and looked at him, meeting that same soft gaze that breaks her heart everytime she sees it. He lifted her face up to look him in the eye, and he kissed her, deeply. She started crying again, falling into his arms. He held her for the rest of the night, falling asleep with her on her bed, no one really noticing that they were missing.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Dreams are a funny thing. I have been having strange dreams about my ex lately. The one that i talk to all the time still, that i'm still good friends with. these dreams involve my ex and i either getting back together or making out, etc. what bothers me most about these dreams is that my fiance is either not even mentioned in them or in the dreams, the fact that im with him is the only thing that stops me from doing anything with my ex. In real life tho, I wouldn't trade my fiance for anybody. not even a johnny Depp/ antonio banderas mix. (that's a hot, sexy man! :) ) i love him too much, and tho he's not perfect, he's the best for me. he supports my choices, makes sure that i do what i need to do, not just spend all my time with him. he's just amazing. so much that it's hard to describe what all he does for me. but anyway, those dreams about my ex bother me. i told my ex about these dreams earlier tonight, and we figure that these dreams are caused by the fact that it took me a really long time to get over him, since we had a really rough break up. when i started falling for my boyfriend, i finally realized that i was over my ex. but i still think about him from time to time. i dont want to be with him again. like i said, i would never give up my boyfriend for anything. but, if i were single, and my ex's girlfriend weren't in the picture, we might've actually winded up back together. i wonder sometimes how much things would be different if things worked out with me and my ex. but those dreams, in my opinion, dont mean anything. just maybe that my subconcious hasnt entirely gotten over him, since he'll always have a place in my heart.

Friday, February 22, 2008

STUPID internet

im so fucking sick of the connection at my house. the one that the main computer is hooked up to is fine, a bit slow compared to the wifi at school and all, but at least it doesnt drop in and out like the stupid "wireless" connection thru my laptop here. i hate having to use the main computer. the keyboard is awkward compared to my laptop, and it's noisy. the picture quality is bad compared to the HD screen on my laptop.did i mention that i hate this keyboard with a passion?? i got used to the keyboard on my laptop, so trying type on this PC is difficult. so awkward. but at least it stays connected when you want it to.

REVOLUTION!! i got the laptop's connection to work for the time being. at least enough to get this shit done and sent off. hey! this time about two hours early. i suck at this stuff. im not in a writing mood everyday, so i dont write everyday. then i wind up just rambling off a bunch of crap friday or thursday nights. you know, when the internet does this crap to me, i wish there were a personified enfgurement of it (like a dummy or something ) that i could just choke/strangle til my hands cant anymore. i'd feel so much better. screw-ups in the connection cause so much fucking stress at the time. i was in a good mood til this crap started. i think i'll just send this off, and whatever, just so that this big ass thing of stress can just be lifted, and i can relax. my little brother wants me to play video games with him tonight. adios.

my crazy boyfriend

im kinda running out of things to say. I dont know what else to type about right now that would be of interest. my fiance got off of work early tonight, so he's over here, doing all he can to get on my last nerve. it's working. he's about to get hit. i've been about to hit him for the past almost hour. he's making annoying noises, reading over my shoulder, poking/ groping me, just getting on my freaking nerves. and this is solely to just aggravate me. He gets in these moods where he wants to act like a little kid, just to aggravate the shit outta me. he's doing a good job of it. but, yet, somehow, i still love him. im not always sure why, but i do. maybe its cuz he's just so damn cute when he gives me the puppy dog look. or maybe cuz he's great to cuddle with. idk. i just really really love him. he's a great guy, no matter how annoying he can be. he acts like a dog sometimes. he'll give me the puppy dog look, then at times, he's got tons of energy (he doesnt mix well with sugar or caffeine). I love him, even if i cant stand him at times. but anyways. i shall go, he's about to have to go back home, and i'm also getting sick of hearing the slurping of the sucker that he's eating. with this i bid you adu.


People are fascinating things. I can amuse myself for hours just sitting here and making my boyfriend do fishy faces. of course, me being ADD really doesnt help that. I can also just sit and closely examine his hands and arms, and ask him about every scar (he's got quite a few, one was from where his brother's bed attacked him). and i'll just sit and listen to him ramble about it. i like his voice. it's soothing. he's easily amused too. (i swear he has ADHD, he gets too hyper too easily. Imagine how f***ed up our kids are gonna be.) but, like i was saying, ill just look and listen. i do that with really close friends too, like my ex (the one that was in the army) he's got a LOT of scars, a few from a couple of hunting accidents, one from being accidentally stabbed in the same arm, etc. he cant even barely feel that arm anymore. it's odd....i have many scars too. but the ones that should be on my arms have healed for the most part. (i have like one that's still there). Scars (or what happened to cause the wounds to cause the scars ) help make us into who we are. For instance, the one on my hand helped me to learn that breaking (or attempting to) on gravel is not a good idea. i fell into a big pile of gravel. i was able to pull the "meat" out of my hand almost til it healed. it was kinda gross. another, i got when i was just under a year old, but my mom has one in that same spot that matches, so it kinda gives me a connection to her that most people dont have to a parent. emotional scars are ones that cause more of an idenity than physical ones. like when someone breaks you're heart, or the death of a loved one, always leave a mark on your mind/soul. these type of things change and shape and mold you into the person that you turn out to be in the end.


Well, i just sent a message via myspace to my ex (one of the good ones, not the evil, cheating one). He's the one that was in Afghanistan with the Army for over a year. Because of which, he is now deaf in his left ear (a rocket blew up about 75 meters away from him). Anyways, as i was saying to him, i have been thinking about how much my little brother acts like my boyfriend. my boyfriend is around our house a lot, so i know that's why. but i was wondering at how much he would've acted like my ex if he had still lived here. when he lived just two streets over, he was over here a lot, even when we weren't dating. at the time, when he was around a lot, my little brother acted quite a bit like him, tho he was just two year old at the time. Well, i was also thinking that im in an odd way glad that he doesnt act like my older step brother, Kevin. now, dont get me wrong, i'm ok with my step brother. but he's not responsible or consiterate in any way. a majority of this is his mothers fault. she's not the nicest person. she never had him or my younger step brother call their father or anything, like my mom had me do, even if i didnt want to. this has caused them to not have as much respect for their father. my stepdad and i do not always agree on everything, but he doesnt deserve to be treated how they've been acting towards him. the younger stepbrother David, actually will come see his dad when he has the option, and if his mother will meet my stepdad half way to get him. see, they live in Nashville, and that's a 3.5-4 hour drive from here, and no one should have to make that trip back and forth on one day. their mom is one of those bitchy people that thinks that everything should go their way and that the world revolves around her. my older stepbrother is kind of taking after her at the not being respectful. he hasnt called my stepdad at all since being in college (he's in his sophmore year at UT Knox). not on birthdays, christmas, thanksgiving, nothing. i'd be supprised if when (and if ) he ever got married, we'd (or at least my stepdad) would get an invitation to the wedding. I'm not saying this is his fault. It's how his mother raised him. i'm just glad that my little brother doesnt do this kind of stuff. my mom would never let that happen, anyway. I dont entirely mind that he acts like David. David will actually call my stepdad. and David will actually talk without being forced to (that's another story). But anyways. i know that people act according to their environment, and i guess thats a good thing. isn't it???

Ocean's 13

I just finished watching Ocean's Thirteen. It was pretty good. I think i like the first one the most (Ocean's Eleven) but this one's rather good. The story line to this one is a bit less jumpy than the first and second ones, but I was supprised at how good this one was. im not going to tell how it ended or anything so i dont ruin it for those that havent seen it. But, like the other two, the characters come up with and use some very complicated plot to steal from a casino. In this one, they just wanted to ruin the business/casnio of a casino owner who screwed over their older friend. like always, their plot worked, but im not going to tell how exactly it worked. Let's just say tho, that the diamond necklaces that they are after are massive. 30 cts. each!! five massive diamonds on each, and looks to be made of either white gold or silver. i want it. well, actually, it think i'd like one of those massive diamonds put into a nice white gold ring, and used as an engagement ring. or just a ring in general. :) like i said, i really liked the movie. julia robert's charater was not in this movie, but was mentioned a few times. The set of brothers in the first and second movie were not in there, but were replaced by a couple of other guys. these two were good in their small roles, but were not in the film as much as some of the others. It's odd, in the movies, cuz the casino owners kind of know who's stealing from them, or at least know that George Clooney's character is involved, but the cops dont really get called, nor do the "heros" get caught/arrested. of course, we all know that if the heros of the film are caught, then it'll suck. well. in the first one, Clooney's character DOES get arrested, but gets out only like 6 months later. whatever. but just to be able to pull off what they do and do so successfully is enough of a feat that they should at least be able to keep the money. especially since a majority of casino owners are corrupt and just care about the money. so, they kinda deserve it. lol. ok, im starting to get loopy, it's almost 1 in the morning. i need sleep and imma get one more piece of cheese. :) ok, buenas noches

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fuck Me Pumps

I just got back from shopping. I got these REALLY cute, black 4 inch heels from Macy’s. they were originally $89 and I got them for only $26. They’re what my friends mom would call “fuck me pumps.” like that Amy Winehouse song. My mom was griping at me, saying that I could never walk in them, but I walked in them at the store and they’re only an inch taller than my boots that I walk in all the time. I really really like them. They’ll go perfect with the outfit that I got at work about three weeks ago. It’s an A-line black skirt, with a pleated trim at the bottom, with a red corset top, and a shear white shortsleeved button up shirt. With it I bought a black sash for the top of the skirt, and a red and black earring and necklace set. The whole outfit (except for the shoes) cost only $70, after tax. The skirt would’ve been that much originally, at full price, just by itself. I got a really good price for the whole thing. But anyway, I have to go. I have to get ready for work. Peace

Shopping time

If you’ve read my last blog, you know that my mom and I have the house to ourselves tomorrow. Since my little brother is at school now, and my step dad is at work, we have the house to ourselves, now. We wanna go shopping!! She needs to get a new dress shirt for her PTA meeting, and I wanna go look at the shoes!!!! It’s sad, when I was younger, I used to hate shopping. Now I freaking love it!!! I’ve either turned into my mom, or have just become excessively girly in the past two years, I love shoes now, and I like purses, and if I see a really cute top or outfit, if I have the money for it and the occasion to wear it, I have to get it. I’m going to wind up making myself go broke doing this. J It’s odd, since I got out of high school, my mom and I get along a lot better. We usually get along GREAT when my step dad and little brother are in Nashville or something. See, before she got married to my step dad, it was just me and her for about 11 and a half years. So, I think she kinda might feel bad sometimes, cuz the only time we get to spend just me and her anymore is if we go out shopping together, or something. On the weekends, when I’m actually at home and not at school, im either working, or with my bf, when she’s not working, or she’s just busy. I think I’ll see if she wants to play scrabble some time tomorrow. I miss playing that game. I just think that she tried to make up for it by having me go shopping with her. But I need some new dress shoes, anyway, like for the winter, or atleast for the spring. Especially to match my newest dress outfit. Whatever. Ok, speaking of cloths, im still in my Pjs and it’s already 1 pm, so im going to get dressed. Just wanted to spill about my excitement over getting to go SHOPPING!!!!!!!


Today’s Friday, and mine and my fiancĂ©’s first anniversary was yesterday. Since it was also his birthday, we went out to eat with his family to El Porton. It was kind of interesting. I had been to their house and the family parties many times, but I had not gone to dinner with them before. My boyfriend comes to my house more than I go to his, so he’s eaten dinner with my family more. But I liked being there anyway. His 12 year old sister and I talk to each other a lot anyway, so with she and my boyfriend sitting next to me, I wasn’t as nervous as if I would have been had they not been there. I like his family, they’re all really nice. It’s just that I haven’t been around his parents as much as he has been around mine. I live with my mom and step dad, so they are the parents he’s used to being around. My dad and step mom and the rest of my family live in Nashville, so he’s only met a majority of my family once, at graduation, and my dad and step mom twice, the other time, being the day of prom when they came thru here for my sister’s wedding. But they all seem to like him. My dad and grandfathers aren’t fond of the fact that he’s not white, but as I told my dad and as my paternal grandfather has realized, there’s nothing that they can do or say that will make me change my mind about my boyfriend. My maternal grandfather is too set in his ways not to say any thing about it. He doesn’t even like men that have long hair (my mother learned that one when she was a bit younger than me). Anyway, we went out to eat with his family, then went to the movie theatre. We got there about 5:45, so nothing would even be playing again until 7. So, we decided to go to my dorm, just to get peace and quite. We watched a movie there, and cuddled and stuff, then went back to his house. From there I went home.

Well, since we figured that we wouldn’t be able to celebrate our anniversary much yesterday, we have it planned to go out tomorrow. I found out last night that my step dad and little brother are going to Nashville tomorrow morning and not coming back til Sunday morning. That means peace and quiet for me and my mom, and since she will be working tomorrow, Chris and I will have the entire house to ourselves! We never got the chance to see Across the Universe when it was out, so we’re planning on renting it then, and going out to eat, probably at PEI WEI. I love that place.

I’ll write more later, and let you know how the movie was. Peace people.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

thingy about the article for english

The article, "Let's not get out the vote," is a way of letting people know that they do not have to vote, if they so choose nor see fit. In accordance to the assigned questions, my answers are included in this post. Before reading this article, i had never heard the phrase "get out the vote" before. prior to reading, i had figured that the phrase meant to "tell or convince people to start voting more." As i read, i saw that my prediction was right. I feel that the speaker is a male, not only by the author's name, but by the fact that he is defending the right to not vote, he clearly is not a woman. women would not, at that time, encourage others not to vote, especially other women, since they had just aquired the right to vote only thirty-five years beforehand. His political veiws are not exactly clearly outlined in the article. However, it is clear that he does not exactly affiliate with either of the main two parties, since he does not entirely care if a person votes or not, so long as they do so intelligently. The audience of this article is clearly the voting public. The phrase "let's get the vote out" is directed to the eligible voters, to convince them to get out to the polls and vote more.

The arguement of the source essay (the article) is that one may choose not to vote if one wishes, or that if one does wish to vote, to do so responsibly and intelligently, by knowing about the person that they vote for. I agree that if one is to actually care enough to vote, they should vote for the canidate that they agree on the most issues with. The fact that the article was written in 1955 doesnt really supprise me, going by the examples of the people and groups that he listed that want people to vote. The issue, itself, however, is one that still occurs today. many people vote just to say that they voted, even if they really just dont care. People need to be more responsible for who they vote for, because who the majority chooses will be the one to control how things will be run for that person's term at office or whatever position they run for.

Friday, February 8, 2008


hey, people, what's up???? *eats a pilsbury sugar cookie that has hearts in it* man these things are good. i made about 21 earlier.they came in a pack of 24, but my fiance and i both love raw sugar cookie dough, so you can guess where the other three went.
well, i got an electric keyboard for christmas. i've been teaching myself how to play it, and im getting not half bad at it. i've taught myself to play "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from Disney's Cinderella.i can now play most of that song without looking at the keyboard, and just reading the notes. have any of you noticed that if you play an instrument, you get better at other instruments or something that requires quick or nimble finger movements??? i used to take guitar lessons, and play (well, not so much anymore) an electric guitar. that made my fingers faster, and therefore my typing speed increased, too. now, playing the piano (keyboard) im faster at that and typing too. and cuz im faster at typing, im faster at the music stuff too.

dude, these really really stupid commercials come on the nicktoons channel, on the sattelite, and the chick on them is the dumbest person ive ever heard. i know she's just acting , but she's sooooo stupid. you know how paris hilton and jessica simpson are both really really ditzy???? this chick is worse than both of them combined!!!! blegh!!! i want to hit her when i see these stupid things.

Im watching Avatar, the last air bender, now. i like this show. the water bending chick, Katara, is my favorite. i like Zuko, the fire nation prince, too. he's freaking hot. i like the bad boy type, for some reason. not to have a relationship with, but just to oogle. :) the little lemur, MoMo, is just the cutest thing, ever!! i hate how real lemurs look, their eyes are creepy looking, but MoMo is adorable. and the big flying bison, Appa, is awesome!! the way his face is and everything, he reminds me of my dog Max.

i got some stuff for my dorm today at hobby lobby and the dollar store. they have some really good baskets and stuff there to help me organize my room, and that helps with my ADD. a lot. I just organized my room at the dorm. i'm really glad i did. i can actually study better.


so, now, im watching Fresh Prince of Bel-air. it's a good show, but once you've seen an episode, it gets really old, really fast. i believe i've seen all of them, and many of the m at least three times each. the only thing on now is Danny Phantom....i just turned it to that show. i like this show. most of these episodes i can watch a lot. i like the character Sam. she's a lot like me personality wise. clothing and goth wise, i used to be like that when i was like 14-16. my mom hated it. i kinda see now why she didnt like it. i used to cut, along with all that crap. im glad i stopped that shit. now i hate wearing all black, and have to have some form or actual color on. i would even wear all black dress clothes, now i have to have a brighter cheery outfit. i have to wear all black to work, and i dont really like it. dont get me wrong, i really appreiciate and love my little black dress, like every woman should have. the one i have is a halter top, with a rhinestone ring in the cross of the top parts. it's uber sexy. ok, im kinda bored. i know , i get destracted easy. thats part of being ADD.. :) heh...ok..yeah. later

semi-random babble

im trying to get my CD player on the computer to work. it's been screwing up lately, wont play cds. it's really pissing me off. my mom's bitching at me to get this shit done and im just not in the mood to write anything. at least not that she'd accept as a blog. i just bought this elvis cd at walmart tonight and i want to listen to it. and i got a favortie dvd too, and i dont have a dvd player at the dorm, i been using the laptop. its pissing me off that it wont play. Honestly, i dont really have more that i want to talk about, this shit is pissing me off to much. i just emailed my cousin for tech support. he's good about that stuff. i hope he gets back to me soon. i dont want to go to work tomorrow. i do and i dont. i do to make the money, and to get out of the house and to actually DO something, i just dont want to deal with the main manager. she and i arent the best of friends. she really gets on my nerves.

by the way, my dog, max, says "hi." when he sniffs at the computer as im typing that means he's saying hi. max is a small dog, half shihzhu, half poodle. he's black with a white stomach and a bit of a white spot on the back of his neck. he's really cute. he's my buddy.

i know this is random, but i just saw a commercial with that justin timberlake/ 50 cent song. i just realized exactly how annoying justin timberlake can be. i miss the days when he was in NSYNC. i miss them and the backstreet boys.

ok, that should be long enough of semi-random babble. later

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

left behind

i just found out thru an email from my mom that her best friend's daughter, one of MY best friends,Ashley, is getting married in like a week. she just decided this like 2 weeks ago, cuz her twin sister, Amber, (one of my other best friends, i've known these two my whole life) is going to leave for Iraq for a year at the end of this month. i didnt even know that Ashley was engaged or anything. I feel like im losing them. I love them like sisters. im really upset right now because i wont be able to go, it's in indiana, like 10 or so hours away. i couldnt go to my sister's wedding in texas, where her hubby was stationed in the air force for training, cuz she had it the morning after my senior prom, and i had told her two or so months before hand NOT to have it that weekend, cuz i couldnt travel the 13 hours to get there right after prom, and i had prom planned WAY before she had this planned. it was a courthouse type thing, but still. she said that she had to do it then so that she's be put of her husbands shipping orders for DC. but i know she could've done it the weekend before or something. or she could've waited 6 months, which, after the crap going on now with her and her husband, i really think that she should've waited.. well, im just really hurt that Ashley (my friend, not my sister (stepsister, really), also named Ashley) didnt call me or anything to tell me, or even wait or anything. i feel like im being left behind in the dust. Ashley B. (the friend) is three months younger than me, and just turned 19. My stepsister Ashley W. is three months older than me. I just feel left behind. im engaged, but i REALLY REALLY want to go ahead and get married, i just know that money wise, and such we cant right now. i tried calling my fiance earlier to talk to him about it, but he's been out of time on his prepaid phone since sunday night. i talked to him online last night, but i needed to talk to him today. and it was too late to call his house at the time since he has younger siblings and it's a school night. i really need to talk to him about it. my mom would just be like "you better not get married til after college, or we're not paying for anything else" this, meaning college stuff and things like that. i dont have the money to take care of it right now. i'm here on a scholarship, but my mom and stepdad pay for the stuff that my scholarship doesnt cover.
I just feel really left behind and all.. my mom really likes my fiance,and is great with him, my dad and most of his side,as well as my moms side, dont know that he and i are engaged. (my dad's not exactly tolerant of mixed race couples. my fiance is mexican)...i think my grand mothers are ok with him, but my grandfathers are both racist, too. but everyone in my family has met him, and they all seemed to like him.
i dunno, i just want to go ahead and get married, spend my life with him and all....personality wise and all, we all thought i'd be the one toget married before my sister, so that makes me feel even more like im being left behind.

i just needed to get this out, since anyone i would talk to about this on the phone is either asleep or i just dont have the number. i'll try calling him again tomorrow afternoon after he gets out of school. thanks for letting me speak my peace (or is it piece??)

Friday, February 1, 2008

can't we all just get along?

ok, i know this isnt about the blogs that wendy gave us a list of, but i must speak my mind!!

My fiance's younger sister (she's about to be 12lets call her "Rose") was beat up the other day at her middle school. she is mexican, just like my fiance. now, i'm not being racist, but i do believe that what had happened was a racist thing. she told me that while she and her asian friend were walking to the car-riders' section after school thursday, a group of about 5 older black kids came up behind her and her friend and started calling her names and saying stuff about her. she said that she then was pushed down and about three of them started kicking and hitting her.they didnt call her friend names or anything, just her. her friend tried to help her, but was not able to. no teachers were around to see this. She said that she did not know these kids, and that she had only seen one of them before, but has never done anything for them to not like her. she's a very sweet girl, a little huskey, but i was a big kid too. i understand where she's coming from on some of it, cuz i was verbally bullied in school for being smart and for the fact that i had boobs from when i was about ten. anyway, after she got home, she realized that she had cuts and scratches all over her legs from where these kids hurt her. and i told her to take pictures every day of her cuts and where they hit and kicked her, so that if they are taken to court or anything, she would have visable proof of the attack. she told her parents, and is going to tell the principal as soon as she finds out their names.

Now, i ask you: is there any justice in this world???? this kid is a very nice, caring girl. and i'm not just saying that because she's my fiance's sister. i really like her, she's good to talk to when i need girl talk, even if she's only 12. She has done nothing that would make anyone have reason to hurt her. i really think this might be a racial thing, if it were her size or anything, name calling would be the most anyone would do, you've never heard of anyone being beaten up due to their weight. I really want to go down to her school and have her show me which kids hurt her, but i know that i will be arrested for assaulting minors. still, if i were only 17, i would go down there and give the girls that hurt her a taste of their own medicine, and i know my fiance wants to hurt the boys, but cnat for the same reason as me. i really dont get why they would hurt her other than racial. she seems phisically ok, but is still just shooken up a bit. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG AND ACCEPT EACH OTHER???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As I wait for my computer to load the blog that i'm trying to look at, as well as ecourseware, I figured that i'd go ahead and type something. Wendy said for this week's blogs to be going off of the memphis blogs, but said that if one was already written and not about the blogs, that's fine. heh. well, i know this was written after she said that, but i need to catch up on my stuff. i have to work tonight from 6-10, and i wont get in til almost 11, so i'm going to type as much as possible before i have to go get ready for work. i was for some reason thinking that these werent due til the 3rd. yeah, im kinda screwed. i like writting in the blogs, but i have a lot of stuff to do,and just flat out forget to do it sometimes until like thursdays. i have no idea what to do with this paper. i had a thought going, on the only topic that i thought that i'd be able to write about, but, no, i'm lost. i wanted to do something to the effect of how we're killing our environment by building way more than we need, but i dont think i can make out the whole 12 pages. i suck at writing about stuff that i really dont want to write about. i cant do essays worth shit. i am a story person. i write poems and stories. but i dont do really short stories, like only one page and thats it. i have to do the longer stuff, like at least 4 pages. i make up people and places that i see in my mind, and i have a really hard time getting what i want to say out. i ramble, or i just cant get it out how i want it. maybe this is why i prefer art. you see some thing in your mind and you can recreate it into a painting or a drawing. with words, you can only describe it and really hope that the other people see it like you do. ok, i have to go to work now. peace