Friday, February 22, 2008


Well, i just sent a message via myspace to my ex (one of the good ones, not the evil, cheating one). He's the one that was in Afghanistan with the Army for over a year. Because of which, he is now deaf in his left ear (a rocket blew up about 75 meters away from him). Anyways, as i was saying to him, i have been thinking about how much my little brother acts like my boyfriend. my boyfriend is around our house a lot, so i know that's why. but i was wondering at how much he would've acted like my ex if he had still lived here. when he lived just two streets over, he was over here a lot, even when we weren't dating. at the time, when he was around a lot, my little brother acted quite a bit like him, tho he was just two year old at the time. Well, i was also thinking that im in an odd way glad that he doesnt act like my older step brother, Kevin. now, dont get me wrong, i'm ok with my step brother. but he's not responsible or consiterate in any way. a majority of this is his mothers fault. she's not the nicest person. she never had him or my younger step brother call their father or anything, like my mom had me do, even if i didnt want to. this has caused them to not have as much respect for their father. my stepdad and i do not always agree on everything, but he doesnt deserve to be treated how they've been acting towards him. the younger stepbrother David, actually will come see his dad when he has the option, and if his mother will meet my stepdad half way to get him. see, they live in Nashville, and that's a 3.5-4 hour drive from here, and no one should have to make that trip back and forth on one day. their mom is one of those bitchy people that thinks that everything should go their way and that the world revolves around her. my older stepbrother is kind of taking after her at the not being respectful. he hasnt called my stepdad at all since being in college (he's in his sophmore year at UT Knox). not on birthdays, christmas, thanksgiving, nothing. i'd be supprised if when (and if ) he ever got married, we'd (or at least my stepdad) would get an invitation to the wedding. I'm not saying this is his fault. It's how his mother raised him. i'm just glad that my little brother doesnt do this kind of stuff. my mom would never let that happen, anyway. I dont entirely mind that he acts like David. David will actually call my stepdad. and David will actually talk without being forced to (that's another story). But anyways. i know that people act according to their environment, and i guess thats a good thing. isn't it???

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