Thursday, February 28, 2008


Dreams are a funny thing. I have been having strange dreams about my ex lately. The one that i talk to all the time still, that i'm still good friends with. these dreams involve my ex and i either getting back together or making out, etc. what bothers me most about these dreams is that my fiance is either not even mentioned in them or in the dreams, the fact that im with him is the only thing that stops me from doing anything with my ex. In real life tho, I wouldn't trade my fiance for anybody. not even a johnny Depp/ antonio banderas mix. (that's a hot, sexy man! :) ) i love him too much, and tho he's not perfect, he's the best for me. he supports my choices, makes sure that i do what i need to do, not just spend all my time with him. he's just amazing. so much that it's hard to describe what all he does for me. but anyway, those dreams about my ex bother me. i told my ex about these dreams earlier tonight, and we figure that these dreams are caused by the fact that it took me a really long time to get over him, since we had a really rough break up. when i started falling for my boyfriend, i finally realized that i was over my ex. but i still think about him from time to time. i dont want to be with him again. like i said, i would never give up my boyfriend for anything. but, if i were single, and my ex's girlfriend weren't in the picture, we might've actually winded up back together. i wonder sometimes how much things would be different if things worked out with me and my ex. but those dreams, in my opinion, dont mean anything. just maybe that my subconcious hasnt entirely gotten over him, since he'll always have a place in my heart.


April said...

I hate these dreams. They make your mind wander into a place it should never go. Obviously, it didn't work out the first time, so it's not going to work out a second time. From personal experience, the third, fourth, and tenth time are never any better than the first. They start out great then BAM! we're in hell again. Your fiance sounds like a really nice guy. I'm not saying your ex is a bad guy though either. My advice is stay with your fiance. Try not to let your mind wander into "what if" territory. It can lead you to do things you never wanted to do.

Ashley said...

yeah, like i said, i wouldnt leave my fiance for anyone, not even my ex.those dreams just make me feel like im being unfaithful or something..

Meghan Lyons said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. Haha...ok...not EXACTLY, but close. I have had some strange dreams. Especially about guys and you doing or saying things that you would not do with them if you were awake. The first time that it happened to me I was so upset--like I had just commited a crime or something. I felt that I wanted something to NOT happen...soo badly, that it did in my dreams. Does that make sense? Haha...I don't know. Anyways, I know what that's like and I feel for you. Hang in there! :)