Wednesday, February 13, 2008

thingy about the article for english

The article, "Let's not get out the vote," is a way of letting people know that they do not have to vote, if they so choose nor see fit. In accordance to the assigned questions, my answers are included in this post. Before reading this article, i had never heard the phrase "get out the vote" before. prior to reading, i had figured that the phrase meant to "tell or convince people to start voting more." As i read, i saw that my prediction was right. I feel that the speaker is a male, not only by the author's name, but by the fact that he is defending the right to not vote, he clearly is not a woman. women would not, at that time, encourage others not to vote, especially other women, since they had just aquired the right to vote only thirty-five years beforehand. His political veiws are not exactly clearly outlined in the article. However, it is clear that he does not exactly affiliate with either of the main two parties, since he does not entirely care if a person votes or not, so long as they do so intelligently. The audience of this article is clearly the voting public. The phrase "let's get the vote out" is directed to the eligible voters, to convince them to get out to the polls and vote more.

The arguement of the source essay (the article) is that one may choose not to vote if one wishes, or that if one does wish to vote, to do so responsibly and intelligently, by knowing about the person that they vote for. I agree that if one is to actually care enough to vote, they should vote for the canidate that they agree on the most issues with. The fact that the article was written in 1955 doesnt really supprise me, going by the examples of the people and groups that he listed that want people to vote. The issue, itself, however, is one that still occurs today. many people vote just to say that they voted, even if they really just dont care. People need to be more responsible for who they vote for, because who the majority chooses will be the one to control how things will be run for that person's term at office or whatever position they run for.

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