Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bubble wrap

HI!! I'm in a whimsical mood right now. i feel like being silly. you know in the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium where on his last day, they go to the mattress store and jump on the mattresses saying random words and such? I'm in a mood to do that. i feel happy! i would like to go to a bed store and breakdance on a water bed. do you know how much fun that would be to do the worm on a water bed?? HOLY CRAP!! that'd be fun as hell. then, for extra kicks, i'd fill a tub at Home Depot or Lowes with water and suds and put like twelve rubber duckies in it. or act like im living at the set ups in the different furniture and home stores. For instance, i'd bring a portable tv in to a furniture store and set the living room set up to watch a football game or something. it would be funny to see the looks on the faces of the people who work there. or to go to the zoo, and as the large flow of people are going in, run out screaming "the animals are loose, run for your lives!" i know, that one is a common thought. but i like doing random stuff. For instance theres a thing on facebook that says "fun things to do at walmart: #20. Put M&Ms on Layaway." thats something i would do. just to be random and goofy. thats so me, odd and different.

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